Our approach to end point assessment is to support employers to understand the assessments involved and how they can support their staff to be successful. We measure performance against occupational standards using a range of assessment tools
Marshall Assessment have highly qualified staff with strong occupational competence that follow stringent Quality Assurance (QA) processes and procedures. This ensures your students / employee’s completing End Point Assessments are issued a fair grade based on their performance
Our collection of assessments offers confirmation of knowledge, skills and behaviours for a particular job role. Our assessments provide third party recognition of competence measured against nationally agreed standards. Here at Marshall, we aim to inform the training provider of a final overall grade, up to 2 weeks after a completed EPA.
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As a training provider, you'll be all too aware of the time and energy that goes into on-boarding and training apprentices to make sure they gain the knowledge, skills and behaviours in order to demonstrate their competence in their End Point Assessment (EPA).
So, it's important to think about the end of their journey at the beginning of their apprenticeship. Marshall Assessment are here to make your apprenticeship standards as transparent as possible. We will work closely with you from the beginning of the apprenticeship to support your apprentices through initial assessment to EPA.
We make sure that providers, employers and apprentices all have the same vision and reach the same goals to ensure that graduates of your standards have the knowledge and skills to enable their organisations to go further faster.
We appreciate that at the end of every apprenticeship standard there is a person and people don't all fall into one conveniently sized assessment slot. Marshall Assessment recognise the need for agile, apprentice led flexibility.
We at Marshall Assessment pride ourselves on flexible, clear and transparent customer service leading up to, during and post EPA. Our end point assessment team are efficient and professional, always putting the apprentices needs and requirements at the forefront of their minds. Our assessment decisions are rigorously quality assured and reported back to you in a clear and simple format.